Father's Day Thoughts

This morning after breakfast, Noah and I made Josh cards for Father's Day. Noah couldn't even wait for the ink to dry before running into the bedroom and showing Josh his card. It was a very sweet moment. For the first time, I let Noah make the whole card himself. I told him how to spell "Daddy", which he wrote on the front, and then he signed his name on the inside. He chose a stamp and proceeded to stamp the inside of the card as many times as he could. So typical. :)

I love my husband dearly, and am so thankful I have the opportunity to see him be Daddy to our little boy. I'm thankful for his patience and willingness to be involved in discipline, and how he loves working side-by-side with Noah. It's really special for me to see them working on a project together.

I miss my own father, who died right before Father's Day the year I was 11. I always remember him at this time of the year. I don't have very many memories of him, but the ones I do have are mostly sweet. I miss him.

I love my father-in-law, who is a very godly example and a great father and grandfather himself.

Most of all, I am thankful for my Heavenly Father, Who loves me with an everlasting love, and Who is all-forgiving, all-compassionate, all-knowing, all-holy...too many "all" adjectives to list. :) May we learn from His ultimate example, and grow to know and love him more each day.

Happy Father's Day!

P.S. The day got away from me without taking any pictures of Josh and Noah together! I'll have to fix that this week.


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