Count It All Joy

I've had a lot to "count as joy" these days. :) For some reason, the Lord has seen fit to allow multiple physical trials into my life over the last month or so. To my shame, I have not always had a good attitude about them, but by His grace He can help me to rejoice even in the midst of them. It is a moment-by-moment battle for me. I know that God is sovereign, and that there are no accidents with God, and for that I do rejoice! I am so thankful for a God who always acts on purpose, and always loves me enough to allow the best thing for me into my life. I do pray that I would bring Him glory in my "momentary, light afflictions."

You know all about the Eardrum Thing. Well, after a week on the antibiotics, I have acquired a secondary infection (which shall remain nameless due to squeamishness) as a result of all the good bacteria being flushed out with the bad. My body threw the baby out with the bathwater, so to speak.

Right now I am praying that the Lord will spare me from any worse infections if that would be His will, and that I would learn to praise Him in the midst of my trials. I cringe to think of the disgrace I have brought to His name by all my griping and groaning recently! Forgive me, Lord!


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