Two Steps Back

I find it kind of humorous (but not really) that as soon as I posted yesterday's blog about Noah going to bed well, that we would have a night like we had last night.

Oh my.

It was every bit as bad as one of his worst nights, all the way from the excuses and disobedience to the discipline necessary, finishing with two very-worn-out parents 45 minutes later. Patience was thin. Our faith was tested.

If it is this hard for me to effectively parent Noah through all his sinfulness and rebellion, all I can think is that God must be infinitely more gracious than I can even fathom, to persist in loving me through all my sinfulness. Because He loves and chastens a sinful me without sinning Himself.

Oh, to be like Thee!!

There's something to chew on for a bit!


cj and family said…
Praying for you, Josh, and Noah. Realize you're not alone. (FWIW, my first thought when I read your initial post about this was, "Wow. Only 45 minutes.") Given my experience with the 3-year-old stubbornnes of a strong willed child and bedtimes, I would not have been surprised to have read a number 2-3 times that large. (And that's NOT to minimize it--I know how emotionally draining and FRUSTRATING it is. Just a small bit of perspective.) We have waged similar battles with both of our oldest two, MANY more with our oldest. Pray for God's special grace to love your son with His love. Memorize 2 Cor 9:8. One thought for the situation though is to get one bowl of 25 marbles (yours) and one bowl of 5 marbles (Noah's.) Make very, very specific guidelines or your expectations for him at bedtimes and what you will do as well (provide small drink/snack beforehand, a story, prayer, and song--your routine written down). And then, in the morning, provided he has obeyed, he gets one of your marbles. If he disobeys, he loses one marble that night. (NOTE: that puts him 'behind' two nights of obedience.) When he has earned all of your marbles, he receives a very special reward--whatever you and Josh feel will be a good motivation for him. We used this with Peter last month when negative consequences were NOT working AT ALL regarding a COMPLETE regression at putting stinkies in the potty. It was very effective. And we rejoiced to see his progress and he was proud of his progress and through the whole time, he lost 2-3 marbles at the beginning (that's why I started him with 5, so he had 5 to lose). After that, he never had a single other stinky accident. Not one. It was motivation pure and simple. Anyway, it's just a thought, but hopefully it (or a variation) will help. Many blessings, and praying for you. This too will pass and become a distant fading memory. Enjoy your son!

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