I Love Company

There are many good things about having company come over for dinner or an extended stay. But perhaps one of the biggest is that it forces you to clean your house!

Don't pretend to be shocked; we all know there's nothing like having people over that forces you to get real about the grime that you've allowed to collect. The floor under your 3-year-old's chair. Your 3-year-old's chair. Your bathroom floor. Your sink. You know what I mean.

And I know it's not just me!

Supper Six group tonight at our house. My house is clean. :)


cj and family said…
Ha, ha ha! It is NOT just you!!!! The boxes from vacation sat under the dining room window for three weeks until friends coming over made me decide it was worth the effort to put everything away. I'm sure they'd still be there if they hadn't come!!! :o)
Ruth said…
I've said the same thing many times. There are certain tasks I always do just for us, but then there are other cleaning tasks that often don't get done until someone else is coming to visit us.

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