
Showing posts from December, 2010

Christmas At Our House

We spent a quiet Christmas at home this year. Anytime I was tempted to ask "Why don't we travel to see family and snow for the Holiday?" Josh was quick to step in and remind me why. Oh, yes. Now I remember. :) So instead, we enjoyed our 73-degree Christmas by taking a boat ride across the stream and hiking through the Arboretum. A few other highlights from the day: We thanked God for sending His Son to earth to die for our sins. I think each year the meaning of Christmas becomes more real and dear to me. Hopefully soon we can help Noah to appreciate it! We have not placed any emphasis on Santa at ALL, yet when I asked him why we celebrate Christmas, he said, "Because Santa Claus comes." Hmmm.... Noah pulled Tic-Tacs out of his stocking and announced, "Pills!" :) I successfully hosted my first Christmas dinner! We had Lisa (from church) over for Christmas dinner, and also Matt, Jen, Brianne, and Titus were able to come! They had to leave a day early fr...

The Element Of Surprise

Call me boring, but I was never a Gift Shaker. You know the type: the ones that shake their gifts or pat them down, trying to guess what is inside, and then smile triumphantly if they get it right. They think that guessing accurately the contents of presents intended for them is more fun than actually opening them! My husband is that type. This is one of his little quirks that is so endearing and irritating to me at the same time (we all have quirks like that). It has caused a lot of laughter in our household this season! You see, by contrast, I never picked my gifts up or squeezed them, or went hunting through the closets in search of them. I didn't want to know. In fact, when I was six or seven years old, I accidentally stumbled upon a coloring book that was to be a Christmas present for me. At the time of course I thought it was thrilling to find out about it, until Christmas morning came and there was the coloring book, redundantly peeking out at me from my stocking li...

Happy Anniversary!

Today is our 9 Year wedding anniversary. Though normally we would choose to have a night all to ourselves, we were lacking a babysitter this year and so decided to take Noah with us out to eat. Armed with an activity book, crayons, and the travel version of Chutes And Ladders, the three of us entered The Cheesecake Factory. We had a GREAT time! Noah enjoyed it, and so did Josh and I for that matter! We were trying to explain to Noah what "anniversary" means, but he's having a hard time understanding (1) why we bother to celebrate a wedding that happened so long ago ("So are you going to a wedding today , Mommy?"), and (2) that we had lives before he was born. Seriously. He doesn't grasp the concept that Josh and I (and the rest of the world for that matter) lived and moved without him. He knows that he's 3 and we're 30, but really all that means to him is that we're bigger than he is. How we got to be bigger is just details to him. :) So 9 years!...

Chocolate Mint Dreams

As requested by Jenny, here is the recipe for the cookies I showed you in a recent post. They are called Chocolate Mint Dreams. The crushed candy canes were added by me (not called for in the recipe), and I only colored half my icing green, leaving the other half white. I thought 2 colors of cookies was more interesting. Hope you enjoy them as much as we did!

December Photos

For some reason, photos are uploading at an incredibly slow rate tonight, so I had to quit half-way through. Here are at least a few of the pics we took this month: Our sweet little Christmas tree. I wanted a small one this year, and I LOVE it! Everything about it was easier to do, and I think it's very cute and simple. Grammie Rowley teaching Noah his letter of the week (N) and some counting and numbers. Chocolate Mint Dreams. I made them for the Ladies' Meeting. We all shared a milkshake at Chick-Fil-A!

I Love Company

There are many good things about having company come over for dinner or an extended stay. But perhaps one of the biggest is that it forces you to clean your house! Don't pretend to be shocked; we all know there's nothing like having people over that forces you to get real about the grime that you've allowed to collect. The floor under your 3-year-old's chair. Your 3-year-old's chair. Your bathroom floor. Your sink. You know what I mean. And I know it's not just me! Supper Six group tonight at our house. My house is clean. :)

A Brief Moment

I have finally managed to snag a few minutes to sit down and regroup. Here's what you missed over the last couple of weeks: We got and decorated our Christmas tree. Josh's mom came to visit for a week, and we all had a great time! I got recruited to play "Away In A Manger" for the children's choir at church (!). Don't be impressed; I assure you the song is in its simplest form possible. :) The kids are to sing it on Dec 26. I've been Christmas shopping. Decorating. Baking. That sort of thing. We've watched The Swiss Family Robinson all the way through at least twice (it's Noah's current favorite from the library). I'm sure that won't be the last time. I don't think 5 minutes go by in that movie without some sort of high-adventure. It's right up Noah's alley. Noah is still learning a letter a week. This happens to be "O" week. In the interest of all of our waistlines, I've cut out the baking projects o...


Recently a couple of you have tried to leave rather lengthy comments on my posts, which is VERY welcome! I love to hear your comments. I wish more people would comment. Hint, hint. But anyway, you must be getting error messages, or some gremlin is telling you your comment is too long to be posted. Don't pay any attention to that. Tell that gremlin to be quiet, and just post it anyway. It shows up in my comment section uncut in all its lengthy glory, and blesses my heart. No need to post it in increments! And if any of you see that little gremlin, tell him to stop lying and comment away! :) That's all.

Without Injustice

"For I proclaim the name of the LORD; ascribe greatness to our God! The Rock! His work is perfect, for all His ways are just, a God of faithfulness and without injustice, righteous and upright is He." Deuteronomy 32:3-4 A God of faithfulness and without injustice . Yet, don't I accuse Him of injustice any time I complain or harbor jealousy? Been thinking a lot about infertility again lately. Heard a few pregnancy announcements recently, none of which was my own. But God is without injustice, He told me so in His Word. No matter how it feels , God is without injustice. and "His work is perfect." That was an encouragement to me today!

Two Steps Back

I find it kind of humorous (but not really) that as soon as I posted yesterday's blog about Noah going to bed well, that we would have a night like we had last night. Oh my. It was every bit as bad as one of his worst nights, all the way from the excuses and disobedience to the discipline necessary, finishing with two very-worn-out parents 45 minutes later. Patience was thin. Our faith was tested. If it is this hard for me to effectively parent Noah through all his sinfulness and rebellion, all I can think is that God must be infinitely more gracious than I can even fathom, to persist in loving me through all my sinfulness. Because He loves and chastens a sinful me without sinning Himself. Oh, to be like Thee!! There's something to chew on for a bit!


I wanted to share some things that the Lord has been doing lately: 1. Noah has been doing MUCH better going to bed lately. I don't know what the difference has been. We haven't done anything differently, just sticking it out and praying hard. I'm so thankful the Lord seems to be answering this request! I can't explain the stress level at bedtime for that month or so. Now it's getting much better. Still a relapse every few nights, but it doesn't take nearly as long to get him obedient again. Praise the Lord! 2. The alarm clock "trick" has been a beautiful addition to our mornings. I only wish I had done it sooner! Noah has so cheerfully stayed in bed until 7am. I have been able to finish my exercising each day, and in some cases even begin a shower before Noah gets up. Of course my ideal would be to actually finish the shower before he gets up, because there's just nothing like a 3-year-old standing outstide the tub asking if you're...