
Noah and his cousin Brianne don't always get along. Kids their age have a very hard time sharing or being self-controlled or even very considerate of each other. Some mornings with the two of them turns into a constant referee job, but then there are times like today when they are both sweet, and you remember that kids are treasures. It's times like these when you had better run inside to get the camera and prove to yourself and to posterity that Yes, they did get along sometimes!

Here's our proof: Brianne singing "Skinamarinky-dinky-dink." Don't ask me to spell that again. If you have no idea what song that is, you totally need to google it. You'll be glad you did.

Points to note: Both children are sitting next to each other. Without fighting. Peacefully. Brianne is singing. What a great morning!


I remember the skimerinkadink song! Ahh childhood memories from watching the Sharon, Lois, and Bran Elephant show =)Its been great to read your blog, they are always a blessing to read!

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