This Past Week
So I bring you a summary titled, This Past Week. Here goes.
This past week:
Noah got his first ever bee sting. Poor guy didn't know what hit him. Stung him right behind his left ear.
I went to the Doctor and came out more confused than I went in. I may or may not write about that visit in an entire post of its own.
Josh had a very large sewage backup in one of his rentals. Gross. No, gross doesn't go quite far enough. Better him than me, though. I'd a'been gaggin'.
Noah was given a helium-filled balloon at Publix. I warned him several times what would happen should he let it go. I informed him what happened to me when I was six and let a balloon go in the parking lot. (It flew away in case you were wondering.) Despite all this, about five minutes after we arrived home, and Noah was playing in the yard with his balloon while I unloaded groceries, I heard an astonished gasp from my peanut gallery. The balloon was on its way up, up, up and away. The tears lasted a LONG time over that one. All I could do was hold him and say, "I know, I know." Because I did. It's heartbreaking to lose a balloon like that.
We have enjoyed the most BEAUTIFUL weather. Chilly in the mornings and evenings. Warm in the days. Windows open.
I exercised 5 times. At 6am. This makes the 4th week of exercising again.
We learned the letter E. Bible verse for the week is Prov 20:11, "Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right." Baking project is Elephant Ears (think cinnamon rolls).