Count Your Blessings
I have spent parts of five days (five days!!) trying to get our alphabet video from Monday to load, with no success. I was thankful earlier in the week to get Psalm 34:14 to load, but that alphabet one must be tricky. Or too long or something. You'll just have to trust me that Noah knows his letters from A-D very well, and the rest of them pretty well.
So instead, on a mission for another video to quench my mom's Noah-pinings, today I videoed Noah singing "Count Your Blessings."
And, if nothing else, this video will demonstrate the fact which I have tried to convey countless times on this blog: NOAH CANNOT SIT STILL!
So instead, on a mission for another video to quench my mom's Noah-pinings, today I videoed Noah singing "Count Your Blessings."
And, if nothing else, this video will demonstrate the fact which I have tried to convey countless times on this blog: NOAH CANNOT SIT STILL!
Well? Are you counting your blessings yet?