Thunderstormin' and Brainstormin'
Almost every afternoon in the summertime, we have a thunderstorm. Coincidentally, these thunderstorms take place during Noah's naps, but thankfully he sleeps right through them... although today's sounds like it's right on top of our house, so I hope he still sleeps through it. *prays*
I've been doing a ton of research about the foods I'm eating. Brainstorming ways to add nutrition to the foods we're eating, as well as working out a plan to make it all practical is taking up much of my free time these days. One thing I'm finding out: I used to think I ate healthfully. I don't even like soda (never have), so that already puts me in the Healthy category, right? Hmmm...
Not really.
I'm discovering all kinds of things I'd never thought about on this nutritional journey! It's getting exciting!