Pulling In The Reins

Woah, Nellie.

I've been doing a lot of reading and thinking over the past couple of weeks about how I'm rearing my son. Noah, in the throes of what the world would call "The Terrible Twos," is now about to turn 3 next week (I know!). While I wouldn't classify his behavior as "terrible" per say, it's definitely not where it should be.

And I've been the problem.

I finished reading Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp, and have since moved on to Childwise, by Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam. Both books have been excellent and so helpful in reminding me of my purpose on this earth right now. My purpose is clearly NOT to sail through life on the couch with my feet up, eating bon-bons and reading novels (though sometimes I have to admit, that sounds pretty good!). One of my purposes (among being a good wife to Josh and keeping my house orderly) is being a good mother to Noah.

I have to admit that I've been very lazy in that regard. For one, I have been giving Noah far too many choices (because it's easy and I like to avoid conflict), and while it does empower him as a person, it does so in all the wrong ways. Such as he now thinks that he can choose whatever and whenever he wants to; that my suggestions are optional.

Woah, Nellie!

This is not where I want Noah to be! I'm praying that the Lord will help me turn this around and take back the reins, starting today. Now.

*More posts to follow on this, including the game plan and Josh's input. For now, Noah is awake from his nap so I'm going to go be a mommy.


Natalie said…
Another helpful book might be Boundaries with Children. I'm reading Boundaries, and it has been really helpful.

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