Lilacs Too!

Earlier in the week I found azaleas in our back yard at Cellar, and yesterday; lilacs! They smelled so fragrant I wished I could put my nose right in them and just breathe it right in. I was a little jealous of the fat bumblebee who appeared to be doing just that, and had to be satisfied instead with the photos I took.
A lady from church gave me two strawberry plants (clearly she has not heard of my inadvertent Plant Killings, or she may have just bought me some strawberries instead!) and I planted them over at Cellar last night. I went to check on them this morning, and they looked fine! I hope I can overcome my past and go on to be an expert gardener. Right. Or maybe I'll just settle for being Someone Who Doesn't Kill Plants.

One can always hope!
I think your "lilacs" are actually wisteria! From looking at the height, size of flowers and they "taper" down and not up I think you have a lovely wisteria vine. I have always wanted one, but you need a trellis or something for the vines to climb on. I would love to be able to help you identify your "rose" bushes and other plants. I guess I'll have to come in more variety of seasons! :) I do enjoy your blog, and read it more than I respond to it.