Helping Out

One thing is for sure about Noah, and that is that he likes to help out. And talk, but that's another post! Anyway, whatever I'm doing Noah wants to help. Most of the time at his age, I'd prefer not to have help simply because it slows me down and usually causes more work for me, not less. Sometimes though, the look in his Precious Moments eyes just wilts my gotta-get-it-done spirit, and I let him help. So what if it takes 25 minutes to make lunch with his help? He helped, and to him that means everything.

The other day I taught him how to fold washcloths and towels. He caught on pretty quick and the expression on his face when I told him, "Good job" was worth all the mis-folds in the world. :)


cj and family said…
YEAH MOMMY!!!! That's a bigger accomplishment for you than it is for him! :o)
Ruth said…
Did you see Shelly's video of her 2 year old folding washcloths? TOO CUTE! Nadia loves to help also. We need to keep encouraging that desire in our kiddos!

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