Unloading the Camera

Lots has happened in the last week that has kept me busy and low on time to blog. Story of my life, I know! I figured I'd unload the camera and let my pictures tell you what's been happening over here. As a Thank-You to Matt and Jen for watching Noah for us while we went to Austin, we sent them on a 2 day, 1 night excursion to St. Augustine, FL. They were gone Monday morning through Tuesday evening, and had a great time. Time away with just your spouse is SO refreshing! We watched Brianne who, in comparison to Noah, is Very Mellow. That's all I need to say about that. We took the kids to the beach Monday evening. Getting them both to look at the camera at the same time was asking too much. :) Aren't play-doh stars the greatest? Noah hard at work concocting a motorcycle. A favorite pastime--playing on the bed with Daddy. To avoid scaring you, I purposely took half the picture. Josh is lying on the bed, suspending Noah in the air by his ankles, with nothing but...