Christmas Sights
Noah and I made some snowflakes for our windows the other day. We figure if we're not going to have a white Christmas weather-wise, we might as well decorate the inside with snow! (By the way, as I type this it is 82 degrees outside. CrAzY!!!) Not that I'm complaining. I'm not! I vowed never to miss the snow. Sure it's pretty! Until you have to shovel it off your car every morning. I'll stick to the paper variety of snowflakes, thank you!
We went over to a family's house last Friday night and took this picture of a house in the neighborhood. Funny thing is, my mom and I used to live next door to people just like this, and all we would put out was a wreath on the door. Made us feel like Scrooge a little bit. :)
So even minus the snow and freezing temperatures, it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here, even in our flip-flops! :)