Boring Stuff
What a title! I had labeled this Odds And Ends, but that was even too interesting a title for all that I have to say this time. Sorry, but this is pretty much going to be facts and happenings of the last couple weeks, none of which is very entertaining I'm afraid. Some weeks are like that, y'know? And I wouldn't have it any other way. Sometimes you need a little run-of-the-mill to keep things normal.
I've been working hard on our Christmas letter, trying to get that ready to send later this week. The only thing we're lacking is a family picture to go in them. Must take care of that soon!
We've been keeping busy getting ready for Christmas; baking, shopping, decorating, enjoying life as a family, and looking forward to NOT traveling this year. It will be weird not to have bags to pack and a plane to catch. We'll miss those people we would normally see, but I think we'll enjoy our first Christmas home since we've been married.
Lord-willing we'll be able to go out on a date this weekend to celebrate our 8th wedding anniversary. Woo Hoo!! I can't believe it's been 8 years. I look back at photos of us from our dating years and boy did we look young! And remarkably trouble-free. Gray Hair-less. :)
Lord-willing we'll be able to go out on a date this weekend to celebrate our 8th wedding anniversary. Woo Hoo!! I can't believe it's been 8 years. I look back at photos of us from our dating years and boy did we look young! And remarkably trouble-free. Gray Hair-less. :)
Some Noah news: I would call Noah officially potty-trained all the time now, even through the night. He hasn't had a night-time accident in a few weeks!! I'm so glad to be through with diapers and pull-ups. One frustration over the last week or so has been that Noah was waking up every night between 4:30am and 6am needing to go potty. This got old FAST so with the Lord's help we came up with a solution: before Josh heads to bed for the night (12am-2am!!) he takes Noah to the potty to avoid the early-morning wake-ups. This has worked like a charm!! I'm so thankful, as it was getting Pretty Annoying to be waking up at that time of morning every day and then many times I wasn't able to fall asleep afterward.
Noah can now open the car door, climb in his carseat, buckle himself, and shut the door all by himself! What a time-saver for me!!!
See? I told you this was Boring Stuff. But I'm posting it anyway because this is my blog, and this is really what's been going on. Gotta tell it like it is, you know? Maybe later in the week I can post something thought-provoking, witty, or full of pictures.
Enjoy your day everybody!
Boredom in my life is not something I'm familiar with. :) Little kids definitely add excitement!