My 29th Birthday! (Gasp!!)

I don't know why, but I never thought I'd be 29. Not that I thought I'd die before I made it to my 29th birthday, but rather that in my wildest imagination as a kid I never could picture myself 29 years old. What would I look like? What kind of person would I turn out to be?

At the very least I thought I'd be different. Mature. Adult. Grown Up. It never ocurred to me that I'd still be Joanna, just in an older body. I don't feel any different at 29 than I did when I was 15. Except maybe with a few gray hairs added. Does that make any sense? At any rate, I'm 29 now; the last year in my 20's.

Jen made me a fantastic Oreo cake (chocolate cake with a pudding-ish, cream cheese-ish, cool-whip-type filling). It was like something out of a dream. :) Thanks, Jen!

I also got this card from Josh and Noah.

It made me smile, since Noah was reportedly the one who picked it out. How cute is THAT?


cj and family said…
Happy Birthday! :o) I'm trying to enjoy my 29th year to the fullest--I really don't want to think about being in my 30's! Yikes!
Ruth said…
The 30's aren't so bad. :-) Paul turns 40 in January!
Happy Birthday! I hit the quarter of the century mark on my next one... :D

Love you, Joanna!

Anonymous said…
Happy belated birthday! I was thinking about you on the big day! Don't worry, I'm only 5 months behind you:)

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