Noah's Birthday Party
We had a small party for Noah on Tuesday. I kept it very simple: just homemade pizza, salad, and brownies with ice cream for dessert.

Josh and I got him this bike. Also a good choice for this little boy! Between this and his chainsaw, I haven't had to do much entertaining at all!
My little boy and me. Cheesy grins and everything. Happy, happy Birthday Noah. :)

I never used to understand why people (namely my mother) took pictures of the table. I was always like, "So WHAT?" Mom, I understand now. I do. Here's a picture of the table just for you and everyone else who now understands. :)

A very excited Noah opening his gift

There was never a more perfect gift for him; his very own chainsaw!! And it makes noise and the chain spins and it has real buttons and knobs! He hasn't put it down in 2 days. :) Thanks, Matt and Jen!!

my panda fanatic roommate got a cute Morn Creations bag as birthday gift!
she is just THRILLED with it.