The End Is In Sight (Hopefully)
I think we are almost done with potty training. We're down to about 1-2 accidents a week, usually when we're out and can't get to a bathroom fast enough or if Noah is playing with fun kids and forgets to go. (And actually last week, he accidentally wet his pants when Josh set off a "scary" firework in our back yard. Tee hee! Noah didn't think it was too funny, but the rest of us did.)
Progress went slowly if you consider that we started this whole thing in February, but if you consider Noah's age and the fact that he's a boy (which I always heard are harder to train), I don't think it's that bad at all! It's been nice to be able to go places without the diaper bag. On the other hand, I now know where the bathroom is in every major store in our area because of Noah. :) It never fails, when we get to a new place he has to go to the bathroom.
My little boy is growing up!!