Resurrection Day
I wanted to wish all of you a very Happy Easter! I'm so thankful that the Lord humbled Himself and came to earth to die for my sins and be raised again.
I've been thinking about the words to many of my favorite Easter hymns... "Mine, mine was the transgression, Thine, thine the deadly pain." "Where, O death, is now thy sting?" "Hallelujah, what a Savior!" and other such phrases.
We had a great day at church, complete with a cantata this evening. Jen's parents were here for the weekend, and they all came over for a scrumptious dinner that we all pitched in and made. Jen and her mom made a smoked ham, hash brown potato casserole, and homemade bread, and I made a salad, lemon pie, and provided drinks. It was a really great Easter dinner; probably the best I've had in years, since we usually just eat leftovers on Sundays (including Easter!).
It was also a great one-day "vacation" from thinking about IVF. The Lord helped me really concentrate on His death, burial, and resurrection on this glorious day. The weather was beautiful too, which just added to the celebration. Praise the Lord for His blessings to us!
I have my big appointment tomorrow at 8:45am. I'd love all the prayers you can give, and I'll update more after we know what's going on.