IVF Start Appointment

***Once again, this post may contain personal information and female words that might make you squeamish. If you are the squeamish type or simply don't wish to know this much information about me, I'd urge you to skip this post.****

This morning Josh and I went in for our official IVF Start Appointment. This means we:

  • (*gulp*) Forked over our entire payment up front.
  • Signed all the paperwork. (Imagine you're buying a car or a house. That's how much paperwork there is to sign and read over.)
  • I had bloodwork drawn as a baseline to which they'll compare the future estradiol levels
  • I had an ultrasound done to make sure there were no cysts (other than my endomtriosis ones) and that we were all clear to go.
  • Went over again how to mix all the medications and give myself the shots. Josh has the option of giving them to me, but neither one of us thinks that's a good idea. He told me he was getting uncomfortable watching the nurse demonstrate how to mix the meds (needles are heavily involved in the mixing and administering of the medication)!
  • Were assigned the amount of each medication my doctor wants me to take for the next 4 days. This time around, my medication will be a little bit different (ie: more agressive) than the last time so that hopefully I'll respond faster and more productively.

So tonight it begins! Sometime between 5 and 8pm every night I am to mix up my medication and give myself a shot in the abdomen. Doesn't that sound fun? It's not. BUT we are fully willing to do this, especially if it means we might be able to have another child.

My next appointment is scheduled for this Monday morning. I would appreciate prayers that I would have a good response to the medication. I would also appreciate prayers that the Lord would give grace to help me maintain trust in Him and also (this is going to sound funny) that I would remain the "same" person. Josh has already told me that he finds me altered over the last few weeks. He says he can't wait for "Old Jo" to come back! All the hormones I have been taking (and am continuing to take) have at times made me feel very "off". I guess that's the best way to describe it. Just not myself.

Anyway, thank you to those who have been praying already! I would love it if you all would continue. I will update as we know more.


Cindy Franklin said…

We read your blog fairly regularly. Tim has a link to your blog on his blog. We will be praying for your fertility. I guess you heard we are going to have 3 more grandchildren this year.

Cindy Franklin
matt said…
Joanna and Josh,

We are praying for you both! I would be knocked out of the process before it even started after reading about the needles! I couldn't imagine giving myself a shot in the abdomen....

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