Tickle Me, Mommy!
Have you ever heard a 20-month-old say these words to you? It'll melt your heart right out of your chest! And if that doesn't, the 20-month-old's giggling while you tickle him silly will. This is when parenting pays off. Noah and I have caught a bit of the sniffles. Hopefully we'll be able to chase them off with lots of liquids and rest. In the meantime, we're laying low and tickling plenty. :)
Noah is really starting to put more words together. "Tickle me, Mommy" is actually a complete sentence! He also says:
"More milk (or juice or whatever he wants), please!"
"Ride, Daddy!"
"Here you go"
"I do that!" (ahh, independence)
"Shoes on!"
"Hug kid" (this means he wants to play with a kid)
"Bye-bye Daddy!"
All these phrases, along with adjectives like "big" or colors of objects have really expanded his vocabulary and his ability to get his point across. I used to think I loved the baby stage most (when they can't talk to you) because I was focusing on all the negative possibilities of things they could say, like when they learn to back-talk. I overlooked the Gigantic Positive in language development of actually understanding what the child wants to tell you, and the excitement for both parent and child when the kid masters a new word or level of communicating. When you hear your own child try and try and finally blurt out "Alligator!" you both have a little party. A two-person, dance-a-little-jig-party right there in the living room. And it's fun.