News Bulletin

It just came to me why they call it a "bulletin." Because the points are in bullet format! At least I think that's why they call it a bulletin. Tell you what, if I'm wrong just let me continue thinking this is true, okay? Thanks. :)
Anyway, since it's closing in on my bedtime and my brain is in a fog from this cold (why does a cold have the power to render a thinking person thoughtless?), I thought I'd give a few bulleted points of our life lately. Bullets, get it? So this is a bulletin. I told you I have a cold!
- Noah and I are still sniffling and blowing. I hope it goes away soon. Matt and Brianne have it too, so the whole Florida Rowley clan has been suffering some sort of upper-respiratory yuck.
- Between that and my pill I have been feeling pretty lousy. Only 3 more days to go of the pill. Don't know about the cold.
- Josh had today off which was fun! We had homemade waffles for lunch, went to the Salvation Army, took a nap (Noah and I did), Josh went to help Matt and Jen on their house, and all had pizza for dinner at Matt and Jen's.
- Matt and Jen are finishing up rehabbing their house that they bought. It's really taking shape and they hope to be in by the beginning of April. I've been watching Brianne some mornings so Jen can work uninterrupted.
- Truth Baptist Church of Jacksonville is planning to begin meeting for Wed night Bible Study on April 1.
- A good family friend, Sandy Fallon is supposed to stop through here Tuesday night for a visit.
- I don't have much time for reading, but recently I read a book by Lynn Austin called, All She Ever Wanted. It was decent. A little over-dramatic perhaps, but decent. Next on my agenda is a non-fiction book, Shepherding A Child's Heart. I have high hopes for that one!
- I'm really enjoying the Ladies Bible Study, Lies Women Believe. This past week was on marriage, and I needed every single one of the reminders. I'm still chewing on those truths.
That's really all I can think of right now. Funny how when you sit down to write you imagine you have a plethora of things to say, and then when you're trying to fill in the bullets your mind blanks out on you.
I'm blaming my cold. :)