Trip to PA

At the pool
My sister Leah with Noah and me.
Sitting in a big chair Mom's last hydrangea of the season
My house being mostly under control now, I am sitting down without guilt to blog. YAY! Our trip to PA in a nutshell:
Our trip to Pennsylvania ended up being a day longer than we had planned. Tropical Storm Fay was due to hit Jacksonville on Thursday, Aug 21, at the same time my plane was to leave the airport. After calling the airline for help, we decided it would be best to change my ticket to leave Wednesday the 20th instead. This was decided on Wednesday around 9:30am, and the plane was to leave at 12:55pm. I had about 2 hours to pack all my stuff and get ready to leave! Not my style at all, but what could I do? Trust the Lord and keep packing. :)

Highlights from our trip:

We went to the country club pool on Thursday and Friday, which Noah absolutely LOVED. He fell in the big pool headfirst one time, and I thought that would cure him of swimming for a while, but he wanted right back in. (He did come up from that dive with a hairstyle resembling a Swirly, which my sister Leah said would have made my brother Tom proud. LOL)

On Friday we went to a real Farmer's Market and bought the most beautiful and delicious fresh fruit and vegetables...AND whoopie pies! Yum.

On Saturday we had a party with as many of my relatives as could make it. I got to see my nieces Rachel, Rebecca (and her new fiance John), and Esther, my nephew Ben, and my other sister Lori. We had such fun sitting outside all afternoon talking and catching up.

The weather the entire time was Gorgeous. I think I spent more time outside than in.

It was great to see my mom and sister again and let them see how Noah has grown and changed. These times make me wish we lived closer to family so it wouldn't be so long between visits.

Well that's as about as nutshell-y as I could get about our trip. Good to go, good to be home. Noah was thrilled to see his daddy again, as was I. And to sleep in my own bed again. That was priceless.


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