Baby Shower, Etc.

What a busy week I've had! It's hard to find time to "wax elephants" (as a lady in my church says; she obviously is playing on the phrase "wax eloquent") when you're running around morning, noon, and night and jump into bed exhausted. So finally I have a moment to recap:

A few weeks ago I was asked to run the games for Carrie Bennett's baby shower, which was to take place Aug 5. I agreed with a little bit of apprehension, since games are not my forte, but I was excited too to stretch myself and have a little fun with the ladies there. This was also right around the time I had made Noah's dump truck cake for his birthday, and Carrie expressed how cute she thought it was, so I offered to make two more for the shower. Since then I have been working in some way or another on an aspect of planning and executing the games and the cakes. I had been praying that the Lord would give me grace to be able to run the games with a minimal amount of nervousness and that I would have fun with it, and He answered on all counts and then some! The shower was great fun, and I'm so glad I got to have a part in it. Here is the one picture I managed to snag at the event:

We are now switching gears and preparing to go on our summer vacation to The Wilds.....

I'm looking at the clock right now and it's after 10pm and I'm BUSHED. I'm just going to end this post right here and hope to pick up again in the not-too-distant future. I'm going to TRY to get tons of pictures of our week off, so stay tuned!

But don't hold your breath, because I'm not exactly sure when the next time I'll be able to sit down and wax elephants again. :)


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