Heat and Other Happenings
I "stole" this picture from Carrie, but I don't think she minds. :)
As much as I don't like to post about the weather~I think there are usually far more interesting things to talk about~, it is what is making headlines this week; namely, the HEAT. I thought we were hot the other day, but then I saw on the news that places far north of here were even hotter than we were! Strange. Unfortunately though, unlike everywhere else, I don't think Jacksonville is in the middle of a heat wave. No, this is just Summer As Usual here. So while the northern regions should slip back down to the 70's and 80's, we will likely stay in the 90's for the duration of the Summer (ie: until November). :)
The biggest impact this weather is having on us is that I'm having to come up with more things to do inside. Noah and I usually take a mile-long walk every day (well, I do. Noah sits in the stroller). But lately it has been so hot, I've opted out. Today we did go, but I made sure to bring a water bottle and give both of us drinks every few minutes. We both came back with red faces (this is what happens to pale-complected people when they get hot), but I think the exercise did us good. I think I'll just have to keep going, since the uncomfortable temperatures are still better than the alternative, which is staying in the house. All Day. Every Day.
Which brings me to another topic: we are beginning to think about entertaining the idea of the possibility of maybe looking for another vehicle. YAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!! (Did those of you in the far reaches of the country hear that? Thought so!) It is just becoming so hard for me to stay at home all the time. Grocery shopping, errands, trips to the park, seeing friends, making friends, etc etc. are all things that have to be squeezed into the evenings when Josh comes home. But then Josh is home, and I hardly want to race out the door the second he comes home, and he doesn't want me to either. Nor does he usually want to come with me, since he just got home after a long day! I do have to insert here that Josh usually does come with me anyway, which is so kind and thoughtful of him. How did housewives used to do it before most families had 2 vehicles? Before they had ANY vehicles? I'm stumped. I bet a lot of them were lonely, or else they just made friends with their immediate neighbors (if they had any) and bonded tight. Hmmm.....our immediate neighbors are a lesbian couple (!), and 2 older sisters who aren't interested in being friends.
Anyway, I should say that we are making it work as it stands with one vehicle. We're even a little amazed at the fact that it can work to have one vehicle~a small car no less, used as a construction truck~for a whole family in the year 2008. So should we end up not getting a second vehicle, I'm sure we'll continue to make it. I will NOT go crazy (by the Lord's grace!), and we will save the money on insurance and gas (gulp!! That may be enough right there to dissuade us from getting one!). We'll just have to see what happens!
I've been thinking of your back - has it still been bothering you? I started using an extra pillow, and it seems to be helping mine out quite a bit. Hope yours has been fine too!