Single Parenting

 Josh was invited by our church to go on a mission trip to New York City Feb 7-Feb 12. He was excited to go, and I was excited to send him. I don't mind time by myself (introvert much?) and I love the thought of him putting his construction skills to work for a church-plant up there. Plus it's only 6 days we're apart. Many people are apart much longer than that.

However, I wasn't prepared for all of the decision-making that comes with single parenting. I knew there would be the getting-up and the putting-to-bed that naturally comes with parenting. The homework helping and dinner conversations, the carting to-and-from birthday parties and sports practices, and the overseeing of chores. But I was unaware of just how many times I defer to Josh for decisions. "That's a dad question," I'll say to a child of mine, who is wondering if he can sleep over at a friend's house. Often I tell them to ask Josh because my default answer is "No" and I know that sometimes it ought to be "Yes." I'll usually defer to Josh if I'm inclined to say no, but I want another perspective. Perhaps I'm being too hasty or to fearful or too stodgy or too introverty. :) It's nice to have another set of eyes on issues.

One child wants to sleep over at a friend's house.

One child was discovered to have used the answer key to correct his math homework, filling in correct answers on problems he clearly didn't understand.

One child wants to watch tv at 1:30pm, something we usually don't do.

One child is asking to do chores to earn some money, but doesn't want to do any of the chores I have suggested.

One child turned in an assignment for Bible class, but the information was completely untrue, leading me to believe he either lied about it to make it more interesting, or ChatGPT'd it.

One child's soccer practice got canceled, so should he go to Grace Group or come with me to the school's community fellowship?

One child wants to ride with another family to the community fellowship and sit with them once there.

I have to pay the re-enrollment bill for the school before Josh comes back, or the price will jump by $50 per kid. Which account is that coming out of?

Should I let the kids stay up til 10:30 tonight?

Which car should we take to go to xyz?

All of these are issues that I like to have Josh's input about. Call me dependent, but there it is.


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