
Showing posts from February, 2024

Single Parenting

 Josh was invited by our church to go on a mission trip to New York City Feb 7-Feb 12. He was excited to go, and I was excited to send him. I don't mind time by myself (introvert much?) and I love the thought of him putting his construction skills to work for a church-plant up there. Plus it's only 6 days we're apart. Many people are apart much longer than that. However, I wasn't prepared for all of the decision-making that comes with single parenting. I knew there would be the getting-up and the putting-to-bed that naturally comes with parenting. The homework helping and dinner conversations, the carting to-and-from birthday parties and sports practices, and the overseeing of chores. But I was unaware of just how many times I defer to Josh for decisions. "That's a dad question," I'll say to a child of mine, who is wondering if he can sleep over at a friend's house. Often I tell them to ask Josh because my default answer is "No" and I kno...

Of Orchids and Isaiah

 I'm pretty sure I have  made it abundantly clear  that live plants and I do not get on together. Historically it has not mattered how much effort I put into caring for plants, their outcome is the same: demise. That said, I nonetheless was inspired to purchase some houseplants last summer, and an orchid was among them. I must have been feeling uncharacteristically brave that day. We brought it home laden down with 7 blooms just simply unapologetic in their beauty. It was almost indecent. And within a week of being on my kitchen windowsill, all 7 blooms had gone to their shrivelly graves. The orchid turned gangly and Josh thought about trimming it way back. I thought about tossing it in the trash; after all, this was further evidence of my deplorable lack of gardening skills. Yet for some reason, I kept the orchid. I'd dust the leaves off every so often and place it insistently in the window, turning its good side toward the sun. I watered it doubtfully every so often. On...

Trust in the Lord

 In my ladies' Bible study, we are studying the book of Isaiah. Wow is that a great book! I had never before tried to plumb the depths of its richness, especially in the first 39 chapters, which can come across kind of doomy-and-gloomy. But there's so much more to it than that! God pleading with his people to return to Him and make Him their trust again. He wants to be their God, the only One they consult and put their trust in.  And so I have been applying these truths to my own life. How often do I google something before I've prayed about it? Or given an answer before I've prayed about it and consulted God? My anxieties run amok in my mind, and where is God? All of these good reminders to seek His face; to make God my trust and my portion.  I've been setting the alarm for 6am, and when it goes off and my soft, warm bed teases me with promises of one more hour of sleep, I remind myself that I'm getting up to spend time with my Lord! By His enabling alone, I th...

Skylight Before/After

 Not much text here, just the before and after on our skylight project, which is now complete! Praise the Lord.