Single Parenting
Josh was invited by our church to go on a mission trip to New York City Feb 7-Feb 12. He was excited to go, and I was excited to send him. I don't mind time by myself (introvert much?) and I love the thought of him putting his construction skills to work for a church-plant up there. Plus it's only 6 days we're apart. Many people are apart much longer than that. However, I wasn't prepared for all of the decision-making that comes with single parenting. I knew there would be the getting-up and the putting-to-bed that naturally comes with parenting. The homework helping and dinner conversations, the carting to-and-from birthday parties and sports practices, and the overseeing of chores. But I was unaware of just how many times I defer to Josh for decisions. "That's a dad question," I'll say to a child of mine, who is wondering if he can sleep over at a friend's house. Often I tell them to ask Josh because my default answer is "No" and I kno...