Down Time

**I found this post in Drafts, and just decided to post it even though it is unfinished. :) It's from over a year ago, but who cares? 

I mentioned to Noah in passing this week that he had learned to read when he was four years old. He didn't believe me! Thankfully I had proof in the form of a video from this very blog (see I knew this would come in handy at some point!). Well, I couldn't just watch that one video. That one was so cute I had to look at others. How much I have forgotten from those little years long ago. 

You wouldn't even recognize Noah these days. He's 5 feet 11 inches tall, has a deep voice, and huge feet. Braces on his teeth. He weighs more than I do. He's more man than boy now. "They" really are right when they tell you these years fly by. Here I am, 41 years old with a high schooler whom I started blogging about when he was a year old. It's nuts really. And then I think about my other two kids, who don't have the same number of posts dedicated to them, but who are growing up equally as fast. It makes me want to blog again. 

So while I'm feeling puny (been fighting something for the last week) I'll pour a few words onto this blank page...

My reading list in recent months has included books that I last read in high school or college. Go re read these gems! They will come alive to you in ways they just couldn't have when they were assigned to you in Freshman English. Animal Farm, To Kill a Mockingbird, Flowers for Algernon, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich are a few of the titles I've finished recently. I've even got The Scarlet Letter cued up in my audio book account. 


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