A Tale of Two Peanut Butters

Though dyslexia has ushered into our household many tears and much frustration over reading and writing, I have to be honest and say that it can also be the funniest thing. I asked Seth for permission to post this story, and he said yes. So here is a chuckle brought to you by dyslexia:

It was lunchtime. Seth was searching the cupboards for peanut butter. Not just any peanut butter; the smooth kind. In his opinion, crunchy peanut butter looks like something out of a sci-fi movie. Much too weird to look at and therefore unthinkable to eat. I had a small jar of crunchy peanut butter in the back of the shelf, and a very large jar of creamy peanut butter in the very front which, if it had been a snake, would have bitten him it was so close. 

"Where's the peanut butter, Mom? The smooth kind?" Seth asked in agitated frustration.
"It's right there, Seth." I admit, my voice was also laced with frustration.

He heaved a huge sigh, tromped over to the table, and plopped the jar of crunchy peanut butter down on the table. He opened the lid, looked inside, and thrust it away, revolted. He shuddered.

"Who eats this stuff?" he wanted to know.
"Lots of people. Seth, couldn't you find the creamy peanut butter?"

Now heaving my own sigh, I tromped over to the cupboard, withdrew the large jar of creamy peanut butter, and plopped it on the table.

"What is this, Pep?" I asked, twisting the lid off and holding it out so he could see inside the jar. "Creamy," I said. "It was right there in front of you the whole time."

Seth looked at me, amazed. "OH! I saw that jar! But I thought it said, 'Crummy!' and I knew I didn't want any 'crummy' peanut butter!"

Oh, what a difference a vowel sound can make! We all had a good laugh over that one.


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