A Tale of Two Peanut Butters
Though dyslexia has ushered into our household many tears and much frustration over reading and writing, I have to be honest and say that it can also be the funniest thing. I asked Seth for permission to post this story, and he said yes. So here is a chuckle brought to you by dyslexia: It was lunchtime. Seth was searching the cupboards for peanut butter. Not just any peanut butter; the smooth kind. In his opinion, crunchy peanut butter looks like something out of a sci-fi movie. Much too weird to look at and therefore unthinkable to eat. I had a small jar of crunchy peanut butter in the back of the shelf, and a very large jar of creamy peanut butter in the very front which, if it had been a snake, would have bitten him it was so close. "Where's the peanut butter, Mom? The smooth kind?" Seth asked in agitated frustration. "It's right there, Seth." I admit, my voice was also laced with frustration. He heaved a huge sigh, tromped over to the table, and ploppe...