Thinking About an Art Business


I never imagined that this hummingbird would reawaken my desire to be an artist, but it did. I drew this hummingbird in June and posted it to my Instagram account, and a friend from high school (hi, Natasha!) messaged me and asked if I'd ever consider selling my art, because she was interested in this one.  

I read her message, turned off my phone, and thought about it. I closed my eyes and had an actual flashback to that dismal day in college my sophomore year when, as they did for all aspiring Studio Art majors, the art department voted on my portfolio and decided that I was welcome to "change directions and pursue a degree in Art Education, but [I] lacked the determination necessary to make it as a studio artist." That verdict became a self-fulfilling prophecy; totally squashing all my desire to be an artist. I closeted my art supplies and didn't draw another thing until my mid-twenties. Then the Lord so graciously answered my prayers for children, and I had them spaced apart just enough to keep me running the Little Kid Marathon for more than a decade. Oh, and I homeschooled for several years! I'm very thankful for all of it but, at the same time, all of this contributed to my dearth of artistic pursuits for a while. And then I started dabbling again, using Prismacolor pencils for their handy nature which enables me to clean them up in 30 seconds flat (try cleaning up a watercolor session in that amount of time!).

That dabbling reminded me how much I missed art! And the Instagram message validated for me that other people might enjoy my artwork too. I prayed about it. I decided to put a price on the hummingbird and see if Natasha was still interested in it, which she was. So just like that, the Lord enabled me to sell my first work of art! I'm an artist!

As my kids are enrolled in schools this year, I'm hoping I will have a little more time to devote to art, and maybe be able to sell a few pieces here and there. Here are some of the pieces that have relieved a great deal of stress and given me something to really enjoy doing in my free time. 

These cardinals were a gift to my mom last month for her birthday.

A portrait of Eden

A golden retriever (that I haven't finished yet. Don't know if I will...)

This cardinal was a gift to my sister-in-law, Hannah

Parakeets. I hope to hang these on a wall in my house. Have to find a frame to fit.

This bluebird was a gift for my sister-in-law, Jen, last year.


Ruth said…
So I see the answer to my question. Your kids ARE going to school. My sister told me today that in Chicago the public schools are still only offering classes virtually (not in person yet this fall). I guess in Florida some schools are letting kids actually come to school. I hope your boys have a great year of school wherever they are attending. You and Eden will be holding down the fort together while the Josh and the boys are at work/school, eh? Your artwork is amazing. What a pleasant way to earn some $$ - by doing something you really enjoy! I am not knowledgeable when it comes to art, but to me you seem very talented. I think receiving a piece of artwork as a gift is incredibly thoughtful/personal - far more than a gift purchased at a store. Oh and I'm with you that sometimes when the kids ask me a question about something earlier in their childhood, I have to find the answer on the blog. It's not just you, LOL!!!

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