And Just Like That

You know when the electricity goes out suddenly and unexpectedly, and it's kind of cool for the first hour or so? You light candles, you might pull out a card game, you imagine what it must have been like for people before electricity was a given.  And then, along about hour three of the power outage, it starts to get Really. Old.  That is how the current worldwide quarantine feels to me. I'm not even going to explain about the Coronavirus since I can't imagine you not knowing about that already. A couple of weeks ago the government began clamping down one freedom, and then another, until what we're left with is the order to just stay at home.  Social Distancing. The whole world, it seems, has been ordered by the powers that be to stay at home except for absolute necessities like food, medicine, or doctor visits.  And just like that, everything from the way the world learns, worships, shops, works, eats, and lives has been freedom-restricted. I'm not saying whether I agree or disagree with what has happened. I'm just commenting that it's happened. (My goal is NOT to start a debate at all!)

On a lighter note, there have been a lot of memes circulating right now about how "Just like that" our lives have altered beyond believability due to COVID-19. (Spell checker is telling me that "believability" is not a word, and neither is "COVID". HA! I have news for you, Spell Checker.) If I were to write one of those memes, it would show a scraggly-haired disheveled woman and read, "And just like that we're all growing our hair out." I needed a haircut before we were sequestered in our homes but I was putting it off, blithely waiting for a good open Wednesday afternoon. (Wednesdays are when Josh is working from his home office, and can man the fort with the kids for a couple of hours.) Little did I know! Well, just like that I've decided to grow out my hair. At least until this social distancing stuff is over.

In the meantime, we are choosing to find the joy that God gives in situations like this. We are reflecting on the fact that God never changes. He is our solid Rock and our refuge! Sickness can threaten, they can strip all our freedoms away, but no one can separate us from Christ! Also, we are spending more time together as a family, which I'll admit isn't always super fun (lots of fights among the kids and almost zero alone time for me), but it's what God has for us now. I have been spending more time on artwork, blogging, and housework (laundry is never, never canceled!). And of course, we still have school. At the beginning of the school year, I had planned to take all of April off because it is so beautiful here in April. We were going to go to the park, the zoo, the beach, maybe some museums, and go camping as a family. Most of those things are no longer options so we've decided to keep on trucking through the school year. We do go outside in our yard quite a bit because otherwise we'd go nuts.

Here are a couple of photos of the recent artwork I've done. The first is a portrait of Eden, and the second is a practice drawing of an eye. Just trying to get the colored pencil technique down.

P. S. Eyelashes are the bane of my artistic existence! :)


Ruth said…
I agree that there are some benefits to everyone being forced to stay home. Some families are eating meals together, taking walks together, and playing games together whereas those weren't often in their schedules previously. And we have no excuse (not that we ever actually do) for not spending quality time in prayer and God's Word! I wish our weather was as nice as yours, but we are still trying to take a walk once a day if possible because cabin fever definitely sets in if we stay in the house for days and weeks on end. I'm thankful the weather will be warming up here in PA in the hopefully not so distant future. I have come to grips that we'll be inside at least through the middle of May, but I have to admit I struggled a bit emotionally when I saw that some things are already being cancelled even in late June. I know God will give us the grace we need if we are still quarantined in June, but it's hard to stomach that at the moment. I know I need to just take it one day at a time. I so admire your artistic talent!!!

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