Overdue Coffee Date

We've been strugglin' over here in Homeschool Land. Assignments missed or done half-heartedly, subsequent discipline crack-downs completely and hopelessly ineffective...it's been extremely discouraging actually. And then I thought maybe a reward would be better than a crack-down. (I know, many of you have suggested as much to me and are probably smacking your foreheads at me right now.) So last week, I wrote out all of Noah's assignments and extra-curricular expectations on a checklist and told him that if everything was checked off (and verifiably done in totality) by Friday, I would take him to Starbucks, Just Him, and we would get a coffee together.  And he did it! Every question answered, every quiz taken, every page done.  So above is the photo we took when at last we were able to sit down at a table and enjoy our reward. 

Confession: I think this is our first alone "date" we have had since before Seth was born! It was long overdue. In all of the stress of homeschooling, I need to do this more often with each of the kids. Remembering who they are apart from the distraction of sibling arguments, deadlines, and general negativity.  I'm so thankful for any of you who have suggested to me that the Heavy Hand Approach isn't best. You're right! I'm thankful that God isn't heavy handed with me, but gives me so much grace.


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