Can You Say Yes?
Eden is like a different child than she was one year ago. I thought I'd record some things about her, so I can remember what she was like at this age.
Eden, age 2-going-on-22
Lately, any question I answer with "maybe" or "we'll see" or "I don't know" is met with "Can you say Yes?'" For example; Eden: "Can we go to the pout?" (park) Me: "We'll see if we have time for that a little later." Eden: "Can you say yes?"
She asks me every. Single. Day. if there is church tonight. Sometimes multiple times a day.
She is potty trained! We haven't had any accidents in the last several weeks! Woo hoo! (Yes, I do realize now that I've said that, we're due for an accident.)
She can and will boss anybody around. Seth was watching his Math video the other day, and the teacher asked a question; "If I have 3 cars and then add 2 more cars, how many cars will I have?" Seth just sat there (a common occurrence and probably my least favorite part of online classes), and Eden piped up from her coloring book across the room, "SEF! You need to answer her!"
Eden can now sit for 20 minutes at a time with some quiet activity, which makes All The Difference In the World in a homeschooling day. This means that I no longer have to find childcare for her most of the week, because between me, Noah, and Seth, we can structure our day so that someone can be watching her, or she can occupy herself here and there too. On Fridays, I do pay someone to watch her for the morning because Noah goes to work with Josh. This frees me up to be able to work one-on-one with Seth one day a week.
Eden loves baby dolls! Our church nursery owns about 6 dolls, and she beelines straight for the nursery upon entering church, and picks up 3 of them to take them to the service with her. She then lines the dolls up in a row on a chair, arranges their clothes, and then sits beside them. The other week she brought one of the dolls back to the nursery when she realized it didn't have any clothes on. At our house, there is only one baby doll, and Eden informed me the other day that we need to buy some more babies!
She loves to help and does best if she has a mission to fulfill. When I'm doling out jobs or chores, she is always right there asking, "What's my job?" Her chores are to put away the shoes by the kitchen door, wipe the baseboards, wipe the lower cabinets and fridge, and throw away the trash after meals (napkins, wrappers, cling wrap, yogurt lids, etc). She LOVES to wash dishes, so I let her help when I do that.
Eden cares deeply about what she wears every day, which is completely different from the boys at this age. Her favorites are shorts "with pottets" (pockets) and her "panda shirt".