
I don't know about you, but my hobbies have to take turns. There simply isn't enough time for reading, art, blogging, cleaning (yes, that's a hobby!), gardening, etc all at the same time. So I find my free time rotates. Right now I seem to be on a blogging streak, but for the last few weeks I've been reading. Next will probably be art, and then eventually I should probably clean something. *wink*

If you have not read Unbroken, you NEED to.  It was next to impossible to put down, and so inspiring. In the week or so since I finished reading it, I have thought about Louis Zamperini countless times, and have been encouraged by his life. (There has been a movie made which is based on this book, but I will not be watching it, as I know it would be too intense for me.) God's hand is evident in Louie's life throughout the book, and I have a neat story about how I came to own it too: Unbroken was on my list of books I wanted to read, and I had tried to get a copy through our library, but it was only available in downloadable digital version (don't even get me started on digital version versus hard copy! I do not want to read books on a screen!). Then, Josh and I were at 2nd And Charles, a used-book store, and we bought a few classic read-alouds for me to read to the kids. There was a "Free" bin on the way out of the store, and this book was just sitting there on top! I snatched it up, and thanked the Lord that He had provided me a copy of my very own for FREE!

Another book I finished yesterday was called Personality Plus, and was very insightful as well. I've been trying to relate better to other people, and was entertained and encouraged by this book as well. For those dying to know, Josh rated extremely high in Powerful Choleric, and I rated extremely high in Perfect Melancholy. The descriptions of each of these personalities was eerily accurate, as if the author had researched our lives and habits before writing it. For example, one of the traits of Perfect Melancholy is the belief that there is a right and a wrong way to do everything. An example was given of someone instructing his wife how to eat grapes (and his way was right, for the record! ha, ha) and just a few weeks ago, I instructed Josh on the proper way to eat pie. Yes, really. Now aren't you glad you're not married to me?

But just in case you did want to know how to eat pie...  I'm kidding. Sort of.


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