Ordinary Moment

In this picture I see:
An impromptu snack right before bed

A brother who has a tender spot in his heart for his sister. (He made up a little jingle that goes, "I love ya, I love ya, I love ya, love ya, love ya--Yay!" He sings it to her when she fusses.  Which is a lot.)

A mom who is really. tired.

A kitchen floor needing some attention.

And I want to remember that right before this picture was taken, Eden had seen me sitting on the floor, and did that thing that is instinctive to toddlers; she backed up to me and sat on my lap.  I think this is hard-wired into kids before they are born.  Back-back-back-sit.  Like a truck with a back-up signal. That's one of those things you just don't want to forget.


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