Eden's First Birthday

This is Eden at breakfast time on her birthday.  We don't have a cute cake smash photo yet because I haven't made her cake yet!  Josh and the boys were supposed to fly out on Friday evening (E's birthday), so it made birthday-celebrating a little harder.  I thought about making a cake, but I knew we'd eat part of it and then they'd fly out of town and leave me face-to-face with a cake. That I would eat. All. By. Myself.  In the interest of self-control, I decided not to give myself that temptation, and we waited to celebrate.  Eden didn't know the difference anyway, and this way we'll combine her birthday with Seth's next week, Lord-willing.

Here are some fun facts about Eden at one year old:
  • We call her "E" most of the time
  • She says 4 words, "Uh-oh," "Bubbye," "Ball," and "Mama"
  • She takes 2 naps and sleeps usually 11 hours at night. :)
  • Her favorite foods are fruits; pears, bananas, oranges, grapes, raisins, and blueberries
  • She started walking at 11 months
  • She loves to carry small, random items in her hands; chapstick, pens, q-tips, marbles, crayons. (Seth did too at that age!)
  • We praised her once for throwing away her used diaper and, because she has no discretion, she now likes to throw everything away.  We have lost a few sippy cups and who-really-knows-what-all because she loves the trash can
  • She cracks up at just about everything Seth does
Happy Birthday, E!


Ruth said…
So glad you are starting to feel better. Happy birthday, Eden! Hope that Josh and Noah have a great trip and that you have a sweet week with your little girl.

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