Eden Annelise

This is a short version of Eden's birth story, a little of my recovery, and how we chose her name.

Birth Story and Recovery (the rosy, less messy version):

We had planned a c-section for November 15, due to my having had 2 prior c-sections--the magic number when it comes to the possibility of natural birth, at least with my set of doctors.  During the final weeks of pregnancy I was becoming increasingly uncomfortable and ready to give birth, so I started praying that I'd go into labor on my own.  I didn't really think it would happen, in part because Noah and Seth were both born on their due dates, and my c-section was scheduled for the 15th, two days prior to my due date.

Thursday, November 10 started out normally. I did a major grocery shopping trip, cleaned out and vacuumed our car, put away clutter, and mopped the kitchen floor (nesting much?).  I then laid down propped myself up for a short nap.  When I woke up at 3pm, I felt a little crampy, so I decided to have a snack. Hey, it made sense to me at the time. :)  As I was heading to the kitchen, my water broke.  Quick change of plans!  No snack for me, because I knew I would be having a c-section and the doctors (and my stomach) like you to avoid eating for 8 hours prior to surgery.  I casually texted Josh, "Water broke. No rush. I'll be packing and taking a shower."

I hopped in the shower (that sounds so limber of me, doesn't it? Don't be fooled. It wasn't.) and then tried to pack. Tried being the operative word.

A word to the wise: DON'T be like me and save your hospital packing for when you are in active labor.  Just. Don't.  You will be utterly useless.  Josh came home around 4:30pm to find me alternately grabbing random mismatched pajamas and toiletries, and breathing through some painful contractions, which were 2-4 minutes apart by this time.  Bless him, he helped me get my stuff into a suitcase, pack the boys' overnight bag, and then we headed out to Matt and Jen's to drop our kids off (thanks, guys!), and finally to go to the hospital. It was somewhat of a hectic ride, because Josh decided to stop at Wendy's first (REALLY?) and then during one particularly heinous contraction, the kids decided to have a fight in the backseat about which half of a burger they should get (again, REALLY?).  I may or may not have yelled pretty loudly that they BETTER. STOP. FIGHTING.  And then we hit some heavy rush hour traffic that made me want to scream.  Anyways...

I will spare you the messy details of checking in at the hospital (except WHY do they insist on checking to make sure your water has broken?  I promise you, it did.  I would know.  And WHY do they ask you 359 questions while you are contracting about stuff that should already be in your chart?).

After a bit more mild moaning (okay, maybe it bordered on yelling) on my part, they prepped me for my c-section and by 7:30pm were ready to begin.  Eden Annelise was born at 7:58pm.  She weighed 9lb 9oz, was 22.5 inches long, had a full head of jet black hair, and she set up shop immediately screaming; screaming like birth was the most offensive, unjust thing that she could imagine, which it probably was. :)  I didn't get to see her until after they stitched me back up, and by then I was feeling very ill from the anesthesia and couldn't hold her.  One of my "perks" for having most types of anesthesia is how nauseous it makes me.  I've come to realize there just isn't anything they can do for it either, because no matter the precautions they take, I always end up sick as a dog in the end.  This was no exception.  Again, I will spare the messy details.

Moving on...

My hospital stay went by in a daze, but with several unpleasant memories.  I was sick all night following the surgery, then the next day my iron levels were discovered to be alarmingly low, requiring a blood transfusion.  The iv port in my hand became overwhelmed from all the extra fluid and swelled up and bruised horrifically.  (A week later, and it is black and blue and still really hurts!)  I had to wear a catheter for 3 days to facilitate healing of my incision (don't ask).  Thankfully God is good, I am home, and we are doing much better!  Every day I am able to do a little bit more, and it has been a blessing to have Josh's mom here helping out tremendously with meals and cleaning.

How we chose the name Eden Annelise:
You may know that our whole marriage we have struggled with infertility.  All three of our children have been the result of many people praying for us, much medical intervention, and God's miraculous power.  Early in this pregnancy I came across the following passage in the Bible:

Isaiah 51:1-3
"'Listen to me, you who pursue righteousness,
Who seek the LORD;
Look to the rock from which you were hewn
And to the quarry from which you were dug.
Look to Abraham your father and to Sarah who gave birth to you in pain;
When he was but one I called him,
Then I blessed him and multiplied him.'

Indeed, the LORD will comfort Zion;
He will comfort all her waste places.
And her wilderness He will make like Eden,
And her desert like the garden of the LORD;
Joy and gladness will be found in her,
Thanksgiving and sound of a melody."

I was struck with the fact that the Lord had done just this in our lives; He had sent us comfort in the form of this final baby.  I was finally at peace with the size of our family, and could rejoice with thanksgiving in God's provision.  He had truly made my "wilderness" and my "desert" of infertility into a beautiful thing, like the garden of Eden.

Annelise means "graced with God's bounty."  Which we have been.  Abundantly, bountifully blessed.  We praise the Lord for our little girl!


WOW! Thank you for sharing and a HUGE BLESSING TO YOU!!!!!
Ruth said…
Did they give you general anesthesia, and if so, why? Like you anesthesia makes me really, really nauseous. In fact I was promising them I wouldn't move during the surgeries for Oliver's blood transfusions during his pregnancy (hoping to avoid the vomiting that I knew would come afterward) but they wouldn't let me. :(
Love hearing how you picked her name, and I am so happy that God gave you the daughter you longed for and that you are content with the size of your family. What a gift!

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