I'm Not Crazy
*This is probably not a post for the men to read, just to let you know.* I have felt a little...unbalanced over the past year. "Unbalanced" may be too demure a word. Crazy would be more accurate. Sometimes I can't even express this brand of crazy to others. It's been an overwhelming-can't-explain-it-am-I-losing-my-mind kind of crazy. For you moms out there, maybe this will help describe what I'm trying to say: it's the kind of crazy that happens those first few weeks after you have given birth to a new baby. You're happy, you're sad. Why are you crying? You don't know. You're so frustrated! You are overwhelmed. You can't think straight. You see yourself act and hear yourself speak, but it's disconnected from reality. You think weird thoughts. You. Are. Not. YOU. That's how I have felt. Add that to very irregular cycles (see, I told you this wasn't a post for the men!) and some other physical symptoms I've bee...