Camera Purge
I recently got a new camera, after my old one's lens cover was mysteriously submerged in grit and refused to open anymore. How this happened we don't know, but I think it had something to do with the fact that we have two kids who love dirt. We debated long and hard whether we should even buy another point-and-shoot at all, or if I should just join the 21st century and buy a smartphone, which would take pictures and keep me perpetually tied to the internet, all while making calls and texts. But the truth remains; that doesn't thrill me like it does for most people. I don't use my phone like most people do, nor do I even want to (that's another soapbox for another time), and so I was happy to purchase another point-and-shoot camera, which I will employ to do camera-like things, and not also require it to also make phone calls, keep track of my appointments, and order pizza. Anyway.
So I have this camera, and I just learned how to upload the pictures from it! And that thrills me, because, if you haven't figured it out yet, I am not that technologically with it, and it's one less reason I have that I haven't been keeping up this blog! So here is a random sampling of what we've been up to lately, in picture form. Enjoy!
From those pictures, you might think our life is all fun and games. It's not, but the Lord has been so good to us to allow us to enjoy the life He gives. I'm so thankful for these blessings!
So I have this camera, and I just learned how to upload the pictures from it! And that thrills me, because, if you haven't figured it out yet, I am not that technologically with it, and it's one less reason I have that I haven't been keeping up this blog! So here is a random sampling of what we've been up to lately, in picture form. Enjoy!
School work with 'tude!
This shelf was my pathetic attempt to organize our shoes; which, if you've been to our house, you know we. Need. Help. Noah and Seth volunteered to put it together!
A diorama of a rain forest, courtesy of Noah.
Josh bought the house right next to us (that's it in the photo) and he's been fixing it up. He was about to go fix the swimming pool. No, we're not moving next door. But we thought about it. :)
Our new church auditorium!!! The Lord allowed us to finish the renovation and meet in there for the first time on Easter Sunday. It is a blessing. It makes every part of a worship service exponentially better than before.
Seconds before an Easter egg hunt
Seth is giving up naps, only taking them about half the time. The other half of the time, we bust a move to the beach, library, or something else. Just so I don't go crazy.
Butterfly science project! Best. Project. EVER. I loved this even more than Noah did, and will probably do it again. You order caterpillars online, and get to watch them go through their miraculous metamorphosis. Reason why we home school #153.
Letting the butterflies go.
Waving "hi" to an alligator.
From those pictures, you might think our life is all fun and games. It's not, but the Lord has been so good to us to allow us to enjoy the life He gives. I'm so thankful for these blessings!