Nap Evader

Seth has decided that naps are over-rated. At least 3 days out of every week for the last few months, Seth refuses to sleep at naptime.  He bounces loudly around in his room, sometimes happily, sometimes not, and sometimes (like today) committing acts of terrible indecency.  I found him this afternoon after he had been really noisy for the previous hour, half-naked with "stinky" (which is code for poop) in several places on the carpet. *closes eyes, breathes in and out, tries to remain calm*

This is not okay.

I don't really know what to do with him.  I profoundly need his afternoon naptime to stay intact! It is key to my survival as a mom, and I honestly don't know what to do with a two-year-old who will not nap.  It's actually frightening to me. "Quiet time" sounds all nice and friendly, but I don't think people who suggest this have actually met Seth.  He is never still or quiet unless he is asleep.

So I guess all that is to explain to you that if I seem a little nuts, it just might be that Seth did not nap that day and perhaps not the day before either.  No break from the two-year-old-madness can do that to a mom.  Because that's really why the Lord invented toddler naptime, right? I'm convinced it was because He cared deeply for their moms, and knew they would need some sort of break midday from the absurdity that is their life.


Carrie said…
I hear you! That's why my 11 year still takes a "nap" we just changed the title - Quiet time AKA - for mom's sanity. I do remember Abe not needing naps much younger than the other 2. Sometimes I would read to him first and then have him take the books in his room, which he could look at and then had to lay down afterward. You could try music or a Patch CD. Conditions for me were that he still had to stay in his bed. After enforcing that for several days/week. We still all have a quiet time almost every day - happy and sane mom of an active and entergetic 11, 9, and 6 yr old

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