Happy Birthday, Seth!

Two years ago today, God gave us our second little miracle in the form of Seth Marshall.  These two years have flown by!  Here are a few fun facts about our boy whom we affectionately call our "Loose Cannon."

The fact that we call him Loose Cannon should say a lot!  Everything he touches turns to disaster, and you just never know what mess he will create next.

He talks a lot, but as of yet I can only understand about 1/4 of what he says.  Sometimes you can pick up hints from the context of the situation, but other times I'm just at a loss as to what he needs.

One thing I do understand him saying is, "MMmm, that's GOOD!" (which sounds like "MMmm, va DOO!") when he's eating a tasty food.

Seth is ready to be potty-trained, but am I?  That is the question.  I'm thinking of taking a week off from school and just doing that full time.  We'll see.

He has a very strong opinion about what he wears, which is foreign territory for me.  Noah still doesn't really care what he's wearing, as long as it's comfortable.  Seth on the other hand, CARES.  He prefers blue and motorcycles, and certain fabrics, and the seams/tags on the inside can't tickle him, and his pants have to hit at just the right spot on his belly or he flips out, and....the list goes on.  Getting dressed is an adventure every single day. :)

He loves napkins. ??? He uses about 3 every meal, and loves them, or rather what they can do for him.

Seth also loves shoes.  His shoes, my shoes, anybody's shoes.  He's a shoe guy. He rejoices over new pairs of shoes unlike any two-year-old I've seen.

He loves to help with chores. He particularly enjoys loading the washing machine, setting the table, cleaning toilets, sweeping, and feeding the cat. Of course, feeding the cat turns into dumping the entire bag of food out in and around the cat's dish. But other than that, I'll take it!  He's my helper, and often he'd rather be helping me than playing.

He is also infatuated with sauces.  Ketchup, honey, sweet-and-sour, bbq, ranch, he's not picky.  Just give the boy some SAUCE to dip his food in and he'll eat just about anything.

Hands down, his favorite food seems to be marshmallows.  Healthy, I know.  I'm planning to use marshmallows to potty train him.

And that be all for today!  Happy birthday, Seth!  We love you!!!


Ruth said…
Happy birthday, Seth!! Thanks for sharing this post about him. I really enjoyed reading it! Is he really riding a 2 wheel bicycle?!?! Oh my goodness your boys just are off the charts with their bike riding skills (whereas my kids are SO far behind in that area). That's awesome that he's such a great helper!! As for the clothing, Ian was the same way when he was little, which also caught me off guard because his big sister had never been particular (and you'd assume a girl would care more than a boy). Go figure!
Carrie said…
I love it! Thanks for sharing all the details. I kept thinking that is like one of my boys, but all boys are so different! Enjoy your blessing!

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