Welcome to Homeschool
Last Monday was our first day of school. Rather than making lunches, gathering supplies, finding lost shoes, and racing out the door by 8:15am, we first did some household chores and then went to school at 9:30am right in our very own home. :) We began with prayer, some Bible verses, and a hymn, and we ended a mere 2 hours later, just before lunch. Noah couldn't believe it was so short. "I'm done already? I love this!" he exclaimed.
And so do I. Homeschooling is nothing like I thought it would be. I thought I'd hate teaching; I love it. I thought Seth would demand constant tending to and my undivided attention; but he was manageable as long as I kept him busy with us doing similar work. I thought I could kiss my housework goodbye; instead I got more done this last week than I used to when we were on summer break! We had a mercifully peaceful week, and I think it was a blessing from the Lord, a gentle affirmation that this was a good decision. I know I'm in for some crazy pull-my-hair-out days, but I have loved what school has been like so far, and for that I am thankful.
Would you like a tour of our school room? I thought you might. :) First, let me start with what our room looked like before:
EEK! Is this scary, or what? This room has been lurking behind our house the whole 4 1/2 years we've lived here, and we f-i-n-a-l-l-y got around to fixing it up. So thankfully, we don't have to learn all our lessons in this dreary space....
We get to learn them here! The table has room for Noah, Seth, and me to sit, and I have already loved using the pocket chart to the left of the window (which is due to be trimmed in properly tomorrow).
The whiteboard, chore chart, and daily schedule
I love these cabinets! I can store most of the stuff we use out of sight, which does my orderly side a lot of good. And I've decided to use that blank gray space for displaying art work and noteworthy other work. There is a cool rug on the floor where I thought Seth might like to play, but it turns out he prefers to sit at the table with us.
The cream-colored paper is entitled "Why Am I Homeschooling Today?" and is in a helpful spot in the event that we're having a bad day and wondering what came over us to make us start this in the first place. :) I haven't had to refer to it yet. *wink*