Happy New Year!
A clean slate, a fresh start, a new leaf, the beginning of a new year always feels refreshing to me. We love new beginnings, don't we? I'm thankful that the God I serve is the author of new beginnings, and freely willing to extend forgiveness and a whiter-than-snow garment in exchange for my filthy rags. Praise the Lord for His goodness!
I'm still here blogging faithfully and almost daily in my head, with only a fraction of those posts making it onto my computer, and so I think I will give my 365 Project a rest this year. It turned out to be more of a 200 project anyway, and started to stress me out when I would forget to take pictures or not have time to post. I may pick it up again another time, but for now I think I'll just not. :) Happy New Year!
I'm still here blogging faithfully and almost daily in my head, with only a fraction of those posts making it onto my computer, and so I think I will give my 365 Project a rest this year. It turned out to be more of a 200 project anyway, and started to stress me out when I would forget to take pictures or not have time to post. I may pick it up again another time, but for now I think I'll just not. :) Happy New Year!