One Year Old

I thought that before Seth turns two on me, maybe I should record what he was like at one year old. So here he is in a very small nutshell:

He weighs 26lbs (80th percentile), and is 32" tall (97th percentile).  Seth walked at 10 months old, so now he is running and climbing and is pretty much everywhere.  He has 8 teeth, all in the front (4 on top, 4 on bottom).  He says just one word: "hot" which I think he learned as a result of burning his hand a while back. He does quite a few signs: "please," "all done," "bye-bye," "more," and "eat."  His favorite foods these days are fruits, but really he will eat most anything I put on his tray.  He is an all-or-nothing eater, grabbing fistfuls of food and shoving it all wholesale into his mouth, which often causes him to choke.  Seth still spits up occasionally, which we're all hoping he outgrows asap. :) His favorite toys are bottles of any kind (see the one in the photo above?), but mostly he enjoys little travel-size containers.  He usually walks around holding some kind of little bottle (don't tell him, but that's what he's getting in his Christmas stocking this year--I raided the travel/trial section of the store for him!).  He is a Mama's Boy through and through.  He absolutely prefers me to anybody else on the planet; he will launch himself out of Josh's arms to get to me!  This is good/bad, as you can well imagine.  That first year went by unbelievably fast, don't you think so?

We praise the Lord for our little Seth!


Ruth said…
Oliver likes little containers too. His favorite bath toys are two travel size (empty) baby shampoo containers. Oliver is a Daddy's boy though!

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