365 Project: week 35

Week 35 out of 52 already!  Praising the Lord for another week of His grace!  Here's how it went:

It began with the discovery that Seth can open the door to the garage! *gulp*  Due to the doorknob being placed about 3" too low (which dates way back to our renovations on this house and was unavoidable and regrettable all at the same time), I now have to have eyes in the back of my head.  Other moms out there, where do I get those again?

Muffins!  Baked in my new reusable muffin liners, which were a gift from Jen.  Aren't they super cute? :)

Noah, reading from Chocolate Fever, by Robert Kimmel Smith.  Stay tuned for a video of this!

Noah caught a crab in our back yard.

And, it is time to bid farewell to our old jetskis.  They have become more and more unreliable over the last few months, so we sold two of them and are debating what to do with the third.  We do plan to replace them with a newer, more reliable model at some time in the future.

Seth is my Mess Maker these days.  Sunday night he spilled about a thousand Cheerios on the floor...

And had a grand time eating as many as he could before I swept them all up!

We don't let the heat stop us from going to the park!  We may end up only staying 20 minutes, but even getting out for that length of time is helpful.  I had forgotten how early little boys develop a NEED to get OUT! :)

Riding the slide together

Climbing is always a favorite as well.

 What is THIS?!?!  Rhinoceros meets Beetle?  This guy was crawling across the park, merrily as could be.  Noah suggested we capture it (Ew! Um, no!) for Grammy's bug collection, but I suggested she could have this picture instead.  No Way am I going home with THIS! *shudders*

Last goodbye to the Yamaha jetski.


Unknown said…
I just got around to catching up on your blog. I certainly would have LOVED to have had the beetle for our bug collection! We are still working on it and it is expanding. God created so many different kinds that I don't usually notice!
Unknown said…
Just getting around to catching up on your blog. I certainly would have LOVED to have that beetle! We are still working on our collection. I am amazed at the variety and abundance of insects God has created!

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