
Showing posts from September, 2013


Well.  The blog.  Once again I have dropped the ball with this thing, but not because I didn't have anything to say or any pictures to post, but because sometimes life has a way of, well, getting in the way.  There are things that vie for my attention like no other; such as the 6-year-old's homework every. single. night.  Or the 10-month-old Fussy Pants plastered to my leg. Those kinds of things.  But like I've said before; if I didn't have them, what would this blog be about, anyway?  They give me my best material, after all! So Noah.  I wrote a rather anguished post about him the other day (read below), but the Lord has been answering those prayers already.  I wouldn't say that I see a marked difference in him just yet, but in us.  The scripture verses that I've been working on memorizing and the extra time in prayer have really helped Josh and me handle the curveballs Noah throws our way.  We still have a long road out, but we hav...

Parenting Trial and Prayer Request

The 365 Project has been good for me.  It forces me to remember my camera and to take pictures of the rapidly fleeting moments that make up our lives.  However, one thing I have noticed is that it takes away from the writing about our lives, which is also important.  With a focus on only the moments you photographed (ie: the highlights of life--because who photographs the hard times?), I find I don't get an accurate representation of the year going by.  So I thought I'd write a little about the challenges of parenting that we're presently facing in our lives, just to keep it real. Take Noah for example.  (While I normally shy away from showing everyone's true colors, I think I would do myself a disservice if I look back on this time of our lives and think everything was rosy.  It's not.)  Here is a child who, once upon a time, was the happiest guy I knew.  He smiled at everybody, never met a stranger, and charmed everyone he met.  Fast for...

365 Project: week 35

Week 35 out of 52 already!  Praising the Lord for another week of His grace!  Here's how it went: It began with the discovery that Seth can open the door to the garage! *gulp*  Due to the doorknob being placed about 3" too low (which dates way back to our renovations on this house and was unavoidable and regrettable all at the same time), I now have to have eyes in the back of my head.  Other moms out there, where do I get those again? Muffins!  Baked in my new reusable muffin liners, which were a gift from Jen.  Aren't they super cute? :) Noah, reading from Chocolate Fever, by Robert Kimmel Smith.  Stay tuned for a video of this! Noah caught a crab in our back yard. And, it is time to bid farewell to our old jetskis.  They have become more and more unreliable over the last few months, so we sold two of them and are debating what to do with the third.  We do plan to replace them with a newer, more reliable model a...