Lessons from Family Camp

I love Family Camp on so many different levels.  There is the fact that I don't have to cook or clean up after one single meal for 5 days in a row.  What's not to love about that?  There is the fact that my husband doesn't get cell phone signal at The Wilds: hello undivided attention!  (But that one's just between you and me; don't tell him I said that!) There is the fact that there is child care, not provided by me, for each and every chapel service.  I could go on and on.  But one of the main reasons I love Family Camp is for the spiritual refreshment I come away with.  You just can't beat it.

I was convicted about how much time I spend "frittering" on facebook or in front of the t.v. when I could be investing that time in my marriage, kids, and home.  Josh felt the same way, so we resolved to come up with a policy about tv that we can use for our family.  We've been talking about it and praying about it ever since we left, but so far we're still tweaking, and so we have yet to turn on the t.v. At All since we got home.  Noah seems to be going through withdrawals, which shows me that we were right to rethink our screen time.  It had become too easy to let Noah turn on a show while I did any number of household chores, just to keep him occupied.  He used to watch something every morning while I nursed Seth, made the lunches, and made breakfast.  Now we are requiring Noah to help make the lunches and set the table for breakfast instead of turning on the t.v.  I've been reading more (thanks, Mom, for the book!) and actually getting more things done around here, not to mention all the extra time with Josh I have!

I was also challenged to memorize more scripture to help me with my quick temper and my temptation to muscle through each day in my own strength.  The verse I'm working on first is Ephesians 3:16  "that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man"   With God's help I can be sweeter and more pleasing to Him in my attitudes!

Finally, I was reminded how few things I pray for!  I serve a God who loves to answer the prayers of His children, who is more than capable of anything I ask or think, and I don't pray!  I need to pray more for my family, pray more throughout the day, and pray about everything.  

So I go to camp for the delicious sit-down-and-let-someone-bring-it-to-me meals, and I come away with spiritual food infinitely more satisfying than the morsels on my plate.  Win-win.


Carrie said…
So good to hear all this!
Ruth said…
Glad you had a great week! I haven't been to a camp in more than 20 years. I've also been trying to cut back on the amount of time the kids watch tv. They used to watch 1-2 times a day (20-40 minutes each time) and lately they've been watching it about 3 times a week - much better I think! Aside from a couple of dvds from the library, I haven't watched any tv the past 8 months, but that will be changing starting in Sept when I'll watch 1-2 football games a week. I need to cut back on FB though. I also have been reading a lot more lately thanks to my new Kindle. I used to think I "didn't have time" to read. It's amazing how many books I've read the past few weeks since I got my Kindle. I guess I do have time to read, lol! :-)

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