The Joy of Reading

This past week was Read Across America Week at Noah's school, supposedly with an emphasis on reading.  The kids even celebrated Dr. Seuss's birthday by dressing up according to different themes for each day.  And on Friday, Noah came home and said they had watched The Cat In The Hat movie.


A movie?  For the week emphasizing the importance of reading?  The week in which you're supposed to be singing the praises of the written word and inculcating the love of books in a child's life?  They watched a movie and didn't read the book?  

I wanted to cry.  

So during Seth's next feeding, Noah and I curled up on the couch and read.  Books. With actual words.  I had Noah read to me for a little while, and I took a video of him.  Here is Noah reading Hot Fudge Hero, by Pat Brisson, a new book to him, and one we both thoroughly enjoyed.  I love to read, and I hope both of my children will too.


Ruth said…
I've noticed over the last 15+ years that EVERY school seems to celebrate Dr. Seuss's bday (Read Across America) and the 100th day of school (younger grades only) - neither of which were ever celebrated when I was a student. Hopefully they really did read books in addition to watching the movie. Paul and I both love to read, and that's also a goal we have for our kiddos.
Encouraging Joy said…
I made cupcakes for my kids and we sang Happy Birthday to Dr.Suess, talked about him a bit and read to them the Cat in the Hat while they ate their cupcakes

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