When's Daddy Coming Home?

Can I be honest?  (So much of what you read on blogs--including this one--are the rose colored highlights that people want to document, rather than the realities of life. This is a glimpse of reality right now:)  I really don't like who I am these days.  Postpartum hormones have collided with weeks of very little sleep to create a very on-edge me.  I'm mean, I'm weepy, I'm irrational, and I hate it.  I'm in a fog, which I know will lift in time, like all fogs do. (My fog after Noah was born lasted about 6 weeks.)  But in the meantime, I'm praying that the Lord will help me be spirit-filled, because the flesh sure is ugly!

I knew it was bad when, after I had snapped at him for the umpteenth time in a single afternoon, Noah looked at me with a quivering chin and asked, "When's Daddy coming home?"  Poor guy.

What I want to know is, "When is Mommy coming back?"  Because I really miss her.


cj and family said…
{{{hugs}}}, Joanna. I know you've heard it before, but sleep when your baby is sleeping. Dishes, housework, showers ... all of that will wait. Praying for you this morning.
Ruth said…
I can definitely relate. I lost my patience WAY too many times this fall. I think motherhood is definitely a refining fire - far more so than any other "job" I had before, and one of those was teaching middle schoolers. Sleep deprivation is definitely exhausting! Life goes much more smoothly when we get a decent amount of sleep. I'll be praying that you feel back to your normal self asap and that the Lord will give you the patience you need with Noah until then. In our weakness His strength can shine through. As for the weepiness, would you believe I am STILL far more prone to tears than usual and Oliver is 4 months old!!! Oi vey.

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